The region had to re-imagine its future and create its own new, enticing identity. But this semi-utopian development approached its climax almost 10 years ago. Cities bloomed from the arid desert and the whole region became an incredible and alluring place, attracting people from all over the world. This growth rate and the incredible wealth has made the unthinkable possible. BUT the voice “acting” and horrible sound effects make me want to see the ending for myself.The Middle East Region has boomed in the last 50 years with an economy based on oil. You have to pay $6 to stand a chance of passing the second gate, but the second won’t open on my copy. Some of the geography is visible but you and the enemies can pass right trough it.

Some of the geography is invisible but will still block your path. The sound effects are all just bad and inconsistent. The fences are only visible from one direction and are facing the wrong way. The slightest curb is enough to bring old Robo-John to a stuttering glitchy halt. Shooting moves your sight around like crazy so that you have to re-aim every two bullets. You can’t turn right without firing your gun. The Unknown City is one of the worst games I’ve ever played, but I oddly want to beat it. Tested successfully on iPad, iPhone 6 & above. Game is suitable for mature audiences only. Player's interest & Game complexity increases as game move forward. (Kidnapped girl cop is wife of other cop) Player have to kill various zombies, monsters in the game and save kidnapped cop from monster. (Free Version Offers part of Level 1, Upgrade to Unlock all the Features) Player has to play all the levels to complete the game. Player can Upgrade weapon using the inventory system. (Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Sniper, MG42, etc) (Only 2 Weapons are available in Free Version). Choice of different weapons in the game. They lost their way and reach haunted city with so many doubts in their mind. The Story starts with two cops going to their headquarters in rainy night. The Unknown City is a First Person Shooter game series based on a Horror Theme wrapped inside a gripping story along with amazing effects with a climax that will leave the players wanting to play next episodes of this series. HORROR BEGINS WITH THE UNKNOWN CITY (DARE TO PLAY)